Book your trip


Fill in the form and get the price and information about your flight immediately. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.


No check-in. No never-ending queue.
No missing flights and lost luggage. No worries.
Lots of leisure time.

No check-in. No never-ending queue.
No missing flights and lost luggage. No worries.
Lots of leisure time.



Private jet since 2008

Back in 2008, I founded JoinJet. A lot has changed since then but one thing remains the same in our family-owned business.

From our home in Billund, Denmark, we specialise in ad hoc charter flights. Here you can fly the way they like, whenever you like. I love it – and so do our customers who keep returning year after year.

Kristoffer Sundberg

CEO at JoinJet 



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